lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Town Ordinance

What do you do when your town has no police force? Simple, require all households to have a gun!

From the AP:

GEUDA SPRINGS, Kan. - Residents of this tiny south-central Kansas community have passed an ordinance requiring most households to have guns and ammunition.

Noncomplying residents would be fined $10 under the ordinance, passed 3-2 earlier this month by City Council members who thought it would help protect the town of 210 people. Those who suffer from physical or mental disabilities, paupers and people who conscientiously oppose firearms would be exempt.

"This ordinance fulfills the duty to protect by allowing each individual householder to provide for his or her protection," said Councilman John Brewer.

To tell you the truth, I don’t think this ordinance will have much of an effect. I would say that most small town or rural households already have guns. Hell, when I lived in a small town, every third pickup had a rifle in the rack all during hunting season. I’d say the rest had them, just preferred not to store them in the vehicle.

Many Geuda Springs residents refused to talk about it, and others were tightlipped, saying outsiders should stay out of it.

"It's nobody's business but our own," said Phillip Russell, who owns a motorcycle shop in the town. "Everybody out of town is making this their business."

I can’t help but picture Phillip saying this while pointing a 12 ga. side by side at you!

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